All posts by: landscapeyourlife

Do you have too much stuff? How do you feel about your living space? Content and relaxed or irritated and disgruntled? Do you walk from room to room admiring your...
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Will you go Danish? Hygge is the Danish art of creating time to relax, being cosy and spending time with friends. It’s about enjoying the outdoors, eating cake or partaking...
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Can you use music to enhance your mood? Listening to music is a powerful way to turn yourself off from the outside world, calm your mind, boost your mood and...
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Wabi-Sabi, what is it? “Wabi-Sabi,” originating in Ancient China and rooted in Zen Buddhism, although has no direct translation, is to do with recognising the beauty in imperfection. It’s about...
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Do more for less! Life can sometimes feel like being on a treadmill. Pressures of work, family and running a home may feel overwhelming. A never-ending list of “things to...
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Easy steps to start walking every day Taking a 10-minute walk has some great benefits both mentally and physically; I was quite surprised at how just a little movement could...
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Why Confucius? Whilst on a recent tour of China, our guide made lots of reference to “Confucius,” a famous Chinese philosopher, teacher, politician & editor. I love sayings and proverbs...
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Why Journal? I’ve heard lots of people talking about journaling and why everyone should be doing it. A friend of mine has journaled religiously for years, she feels it is...
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Lagom, living in the middle I recently came across the Swedish concept of “Lagom” (pronounced “Lah-Gom” which is all to do with moderation. Recognising when something is “enough” be it...
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Yoga is a Sanskrit word pronounced “Yog” meaning union or connection. In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism the word Yoga means “Spiritual discipline.” The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the...
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