Posts tagged with: wellbeing

Within our “Landscape Your Life” health and wellbeing training programme, we discuss relationships their impact. In keeping with our garden themed approach, we refer to “Welcome Guests” and “Harmful visitors.”...
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In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic and overwhelming, resilience is a useful skill that will support you in bouncing back when things don’t go according to plan.  Life...
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The Benefits of asking for help What do you need help with? Would you be more likely to exercise if you had a buddy? Could you do with a hand...
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Do you want to feel joy? In today’s seemingly incessantly busy world, how much time do you enjoy doing something you love and feel passionate about? Is your calendar filled...
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Could healthful habits work for you? When I was growing up in the 1980’s my understanding of the word habit was around doing something you shouldn’t… Smoking, drug taking, swearing...
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Are you getting enough REM? Are you tossing and turning at night? Is lack of sleep playing havoc with your day? Are you grumpy, irritable and demotivated? Do you find...
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Magical H2O Magical H20, it’s refreshing, invigorating, free and provides your body with a whole host of benefits. Whilst how much water your body needs depends on your level of...
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What makes you happy? “A table, a chair a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to make him happy?” Albert Einstein What is happiness?...
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Easy steps to start walking every day Taking a 10-minute walk has some great benefits both mentally and physically; I was quite surprised at how just a little movement could...
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Yoga is a Sanskrit word pronounced “Yog” meaning union or connection. In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism the word Yoga means “Spiritual discipline.” The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the...
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